

As well as the larger community projects and the community events that run throughout the year, Billingshurst Family Church runs a number of activities/groups throughout the week. We want to care for and support each other throughout the week because church life is not just on a Sunday.


Our lifegroups are all about smaller communities caring for one another and 'doing life' together according to Acts 2:42. We meet each week as a group in someone's home to encourage one another in our walks with Jesus. As important as our Sunday worship times are, so are our times together as lifegroups. We meet to support one another and to help us grow in our church relationships, to grow our understanding of the Bible and to facilitate our first line pastoral care. These groups are led by at least two people whose role it is to lead the group to become better followers of Jesus. Please speak to the Welcome Team on a Sunday morning if you are interested in joining a lifegroup and they will assist you.


We run a baby and toddler group every Monday 10am - 11:30am (in term time) for children aged 0 - 4 year olds (preschool) and their parents / carers. We have a fantastic group of friendly volunteers who transform the Billingshurst Community Centre into the ultimate fun zone. We have craft, messy trays, ride-ons, a baby area, toys-a-plenty and a story and singing time at the end. Come and join us for chat and fun! BFC Toddlers is a great way to meet other parents and for your child to meet new friends. We regularly have over 40 guests every Monday morning.


Seniors' coffee mornings take place regularly on Monday mornings 10.30am - 12 noon at St. Mary’s Room, East Street, Billingshurst. It is a collaborative community outreach from Churches Together in Billingshurst and costs £3 per week. Transport is available with the Community Minibus. For more information please:

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