Connect Festival 2020
In the summer of 2020, our church is going to a new camp put on by Commission (Commission is the family of churches that BFC is a part of) that is replacing Westpoint, called Connect Festival. And to mark this we are doing something a little bit different, something that could really make Connect Festival even better; and that’s if we ate together as a church family. So, I am going to head up a team who are going to provide breakfast, a main meal at lunchtime and then people to provide their own sandwiches for dinner. The marquee will look a little bit different too as we have tables and chairs for everyone. But I hope (much like the kitchen and dining room table in a home,) the marquee will become everyone’s home for the week and the heart of our campsite.
I took the mantle of being the cook at Newday in 2019 after being well served by a number of people over the years. Afterward, I was reflecting on how much it bonds the group to, three times a day, sit down, eat and chat. Weekends away as a church are a great opportunity to get to know your church family better and the hope is that by eating food together that we can really grow as a church community. Also, I know that for some, the logistics of cooking for them and their family is a real burden and my hope is that we can remove that barrier and allow as many people as possible to get along to Connect Festival and experience what God has in store for them and this church in Billingshurst.
There will be a charge for food, though it should be less than individuals and families would spend due to being able to buy and cook in bulk. More details on this will come as we get nearer the event but please book in now while the prices are cheaper. Details can be found at or speak to Craig or myself (Dan).