God our deliverer…
I wanted to share a story of how in times of trouble we can call upon the Lord and rely on him.
I was born in South Africa and before we moved to the UK I went to a christian school started by a Pastor. A number of years ago there was a general strike across the country, which lead to a lot of riots where they damaged a lot of property. This one day a riot had formed at a nearby school and they destroyed classrooms and property, they left that school and started to walk to this school, as they were close to each other. A teacher at the previous school sent a message saying they had been targeted and that the crowd had left to go to the christian school. There was not enough time to evacuate the children so all they could do was lock the classrooms and the school gates. The pastor then started walking the perimeter of the school with his hands raised in prayer, calling upon the Lord for protection.
He could see the crowd approaching down the road and he just continued praying. He then saw a line of angels standing across the road. When the crowd got to the line of angels, they stopped marching towards the school and miraculously dispersed and left.
It was a huge relief and an immediate answer to prayer.
Psalm 34:7 says “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them”
This story really encourages me and reminds us that when we are faced with tough situations we can and must call upon the Lord.
With love,